Level Up Technology Blog Post on Ansible Jira Integration

Check out the Level Up team’s latest Ansible Pro Tips post: “Simplify Your Jira Change Management Processes Via Ansible Playbooks“.

Highlights (bolds are mine):

A big way in which we typically measure success with DevOps has to do with integration.”

“…there is almost always at least a small amount of coding required to help you maximize your ROI in connecting the technologies you have with whatever you decide to build or buy next. Jira offers a good example of how a small amount of coding can have a big impact.”

“…as a guiding principle, you want your tools to enforce your processes. Not the other way around. If you are using Ansible, there’s a great opportunity to enforce more of your technology and governance processes without anybody having to remember to do anything except the task itself.”

“And this Jira module is flexible in terms of working with whatever your custom issue types and statuses might be as well. But hopefully as you can see, this is the type of straightforward, module-level integration that your organization can start taking advantage of to increase ROI and let the platform do the hard stuff when it comes to change management via Ansible right now, today.”